Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

thanks papa for always take care of me, gimme your best 
always call me that I am the most beautiful girl in the world :) 
I love you 24hours papa :*

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

hey guys. 
Life is short, 
break the rules, 
Forgive quickly, 
love truly, 
laugh uncontrollably, 
never regret anything that made you smile. :)

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

My eyes are very spoiled
For all of you, yang takut akan Jatuh Cinta. :)
Go check it out. Simply click the title of this post.
Basically, it’s my own definition of What Love Is.
“Everybody knows that nobody really knows how to make it work, or how to ease the hurt.”
John Legend – Everybody Knows

Yes. Obstacles.
Cara menghadapinya? NOBODY REALLY KNOWS.

When you love someone, you get to live two lives.

Let him eat the last piece of your favorite cheesecake.
Pretend to like his silly taste in music.
Request his favorite song on the radio.
Adore his stupid smile when you tell him that he looks good with his new haircut.
Let him being childish.
Let him have guys-night-out. Even lovers need a holiday, girls.
But most importantly, let him know that he’s the one.

Tenang. Don’t panic.
Mencintai dan dicintai, memang tidak selalu mudah untuk dijalani.
Kalau ditanya pernah merasakan takut jatuh cinta, jawabannya: pernah banget.
Takut akan rasa kecewa, takut mengecewakan, takut tergoda sama rumput tetangga yang denger-denger selalu lebih hijau, dan takut percikan yang dulu pernah ada hilang begitu saja.
Tapi itu dulu.

Kali ini OZzers, I can tell you untuk jangan pernah takut jatuh cinta. Jangan pernah takut untuk jatuh. Jangan pernah takut untuk mengenal cinta lebih dalam.
Berharaplah, percayalah, jujurlah, sayangilah, cintailah, bertahanlah, mengalahlah, menangislah, maafkanlah, terimalah.
That’s love.

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

hello, I'm with my sweetest mickeyy :D our little sweet thing :) see it ! he is just too sexy